Hello, I am Elena Wilken, a graphic designer and a photographer. WELCOME to my photography's home on this corner of the web. HAPPY TO SEE YOU HERE. Stay a while, see the world through my eyes and lens, let your soul be inspired, and don't leave without a smile.



Entries in free downloads (2)


Free Marketing Templates for Photographers :: February 2010 Frebies

Well, well, well... I'm in the middle of a treatment for a second really bad cold, in the past five weeks. I'm not sure if it is funny, sad or just simply an inconvenience. Audrey was diagnosed with walking pneumonia, a little while after getting over the stomach flu. The 104.4 fever, the first day, had me quite scared. And yes, we do wash hands a LOT, use sanitizer, and are very much aware of the good old rules of proper hygiene, but the way the doctor put it I was just unfortunate to have this happen again and Audrey is at the age when she's building up her immune system and this is 'normal'.

It's life ;) ...It sure feels like a country song, though!

All that aside, or I should say because of it, February's freebie is going out a bit late (Sunday evening to be more precise). {Go to EW Couture Collection site and subscribe to the mailing list, if you are not on it and would like to receive the monthly freebies.}
The set of bookmarks will also be available for download on the Portfoliositez blog, during the coming week. 

The shoppe will be opening on March 2nd. I am really content with the date, as it has a deep meaning for me. My dad passed away unexpectedly at 37, 15 years ago, on a late February morning (I was 15 at the time).
I feel this would be a really awesome way to celebrate and honor him and his entrepreneurial spirit. Dad grew up in a communist Romania. Different times... Even though plenty of times he had to skip school to tend to the animals on their small farm and help around the house, that didn't keep him from working hard, learning things on his own and making a good living for mom, myself and my brothers. As we grew up he encouraged us a lot and pushed us to 'go and be somebody' and follow through with the things we want to do in life. He was a firecracker :) ... Love you dad. It wasn't easy, but both you and mom did a great job with all three of us ;) Thank you!



Hello again ...and a little bit of everything

'Sick as a dog' came to have a new meaning for me these past couple of weeks... I have a strong aversion to medication of any kind. Don't take me wrong. I take it, but not unless I really HAVE to take it.
However, this time around I payed the doctor a visit asking for a strong prescription. And while I usually tough things out, I even whined this time. 

I'm feeling a lot better, and so are Paul and Audrey. After feeling like we've been falling apart for a couple of weeks there, the world looks brighter and happier, and we've found a new appreciation for the 'simple' state of being healthy. It is easy to take such things for granted ... :)
I imagine there are many others like us. This bug it's really been going around.

... And then, when you put things in perspective this is menial stuff... It almost makes me feel silly that I even put it in words. The thought of the many that lost the ones dear to their hearts, and don't have their basic needs met right now (like food, water and a shelter) saddens me and makes me go quiet.


I sat down to write a post tonight because I wanted to touch base with some of you who wanted to know how things are going.

Camera's back, and the sad thing is that I barely touched it this past week. The sickness and rainy weather combo is not a very exciting one.

Things are moving along beautifully on the EW Couture stuff (I've done my best to keep on task - as much as I could ;) and a new goodie will be going out in the February's monthly newsletter, in the next few weeks. The response to the few materials I put out there in December and January was far beyond my expectations. 995 sign-ups, as of tonight, with new subscription e-mails coming in literally every day. Thank you! I'll take that as a compliment. :) 

I am also really excited that some of the materials I'm designing will be showcasing work of a few extremely talented photographers whose work I admire very much. Thank you ladies. I feel honored. :)

On a different note, some signed up after January's free templates went out (the little marketing set).
If that is the case for you, here are a couple of links where you could go and download them - Pay It Forward Photo Blog or the archive of January's newsletter

Also, Maternal Lens - lots of cool resources and interviews on this blog as well - had December's set of marketing cards for download.
Soon I'll stop posting about the EW Couture (except for major announcements ;) and focus on what this blog is meant to be about - photography. EW Couture Collection will have its own home and announcements board. All in due time :) 

Ok, I guess this is it for now...
My wish for everyone is that you stay healthy and happy, so this month you can share joy with those in need of happy moments and glimpses of brightness.

...Ready for spring :)