Hello, I am Elena Wilken, a graphic designer and a photographer. WELCOME to my photography's home on this corner of the web. HAPPY TO SEE YOU HERE. Stay a while, see the world through my eyes and lens, let your soul be inspired, and don't leave without a smile.



Entries in Portland children photographer (27)


Making Memories last for a lifetime :: Elena Wilken Photographer

Here are a few shots of some of the products that I'll be offering. The quality is exquisite.

The Flush mounted photo album comes in three different sizes - 6x6, 9x9 and 12x12. Printed on FUJI professional photo paper, matt coated and embossed, with 2 mm thick pages and a water proof image cover they are made to last.  

These images are provided by the supplier and are not my product shots. They are meant to help you visualize the quality of the products.


The keepsake boxes are custom handmade, come printed with your favorite image from the session on the outside and 18-20 matted prints which can be displayed in your home and switched out as you like.



'Thomas and Friends' :: Portland Or. Children Photographer

Such a beautiful day this past Saturday!
I wish and pray for more days like this. Sunny, dry days would be such a treat especially with all the scheduled and waiting to be scheduled sessions. 

I was thankful for the day, drank in the sunshine and enjoyed my time spent with Nathan and his parents.

He loves his trains! It was the cutest thing, when mom and bad brought along his train set, and his dad set it up for him. Nathan, you and your mom and dad have a special place in my heart. xoxo


H is for Hazel :: Elena Wilken :: Portland Or. Children Photographer

I first photographed her about 8 months ago, as a tiny little 9 days old newborn. She's still a dainty little girly, bright eyed and as happy, mellow and content as they come. 

I might've said that before, but I believe this is my favorite age to photograph. While their attention span is not extremely long, they laugh at your silliness and think you're interesting enough to make eye contact. And the best part - you have a captive audience. They can sit up, but they can't outrun you ;)

Thanks guys for choosing to have me document this season in her life. I enjoyed it so much.
And the weather was perfect. I love our overcast skies in Portland, when we get them! (I'm not quite as fond of the rain, but I guess you can't have one and not the other).



A new way to measure time :: Elena Wilken :: Portland Or. Children Photographer

Two years ago this week, we welcomed a new little bundle in our family. And ever since then time has been flying by. She changed us in so many ways. It is so fascinating to look at the world through her eyes, as she learns new things. She expanded our hearts, taught us a new found appreciation for things we might take for granted otherwise, keeps us on our toes sometimes, and simply brings joy to our lives. 

There are so many things to do, places to go, people to see at any given time but this season of her life we will never be able to bring back, so we enjoy it. And sometimes that means that we do less things, go less places and see less people and have more of her. Children change the way you measure time and it seems to me that they make the passing of time even more valuable and add new meanings to it.

Happy birthday sweetie! :)
You make your daddy so proud and melt your mommy's heart. Just don't grow up too fast... 


Little Sam :: Elena Wilken :: Portland Or. Photographer

Between the innocence of babyhood and the dignity of manhood, we find a delightful creature of a boy.
~ Author Unknown

While taking pictures of Sarah the other week, I snuck in a few of Sam as well, her big brother :) He is getting so big, so fast :)

I was going through some of the files from last year, on the back ups and I came across some of his photos. He is not a little baby anymore, not even a little boy. 

...These images got me so excited about all the fall colors - all this beauty and all the honey like and fiery red hues are just around the corner :)  I am very much looking forward to all the sessions I have coming up in the next couple of months! Fall and spring are my most favorite - fall probably even more than spring.