Hello, I am Elena Wilken, a graphic designer and a photographer. WELCOME to my photography's home on this corner of the web. HAPPY TO SEE YOU HERE. Stay a while, see the world through my eyes and lens, let your soul be inspired, and don't leave without a smile.



Entries in sunshine (5)


Random picture of the day - Sunday :: Smell the rain...

“Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams.”

 Ashley Smith

My search for a random picture of the day took me to this session (take a peek at that post if you haven't done that yet) - she is beautiful, the settings and the weather were perfect and there are a ton more of images that I love from this session. One of these days when I get a moment I should go ahead and create a slideshow of them.

The rain drops in the sunshine make the moment magic. :)


Good looks and beautiful fall colors :: Elena Wilken :: Portland OR Family Photographer

Photographing babies and young kids it's what's close to my heart, but it is sure nice to have subjects in front of the camera that do what you tell them to and don't try to outrun you :) 

It was a beautiful afternoon and our 'traditional style' shoot was a really, really fun shoot. 
I know you guys loved your sneak peek on Facebook. Here are a few more for your enjoyment ;) You are definitely a great looking family. It was really hard to narrow down the shots I was going to post. 

So, see you next year, same time, same spot ;) By the way, that comment was a great compliment Mary :)


'Thomas and Friends' :: Portland Or. Children Photographer

Such a beautiful day this past Saturday!
I wish and pray for more days like this. Sunny, dry days would be such a treat especially with all the scheduled and waiting to be scheduled sessions. 

I was thankful for the day, drank in the sunshine and enjoyed my time spent with Nathan and his parents.

He loves his trains! It was the cutest thing, when mom and bad brought along his train set, and his dad set it up for him. Nathan, you and your mom and dad have a special place in my heart. xoxo


Personal Project :: Taylor :: Elena Wilken :: Portland Or. Photographer

I think this was one of my favorite sessions to date :) Thanks again to all three of you! Hannah looking forward to getting together again soon, for our family session! 


Trash the Tutu Session :: Elena Wilken :: Portland OR. Children Photographer 

I had five sessions in the past two weeks and I definitely had many choices when it comes to the first post to this new blog. But since this is the first post I wanted it to be one that is very special and meaningful to me, so I decided to repost one of the last session I had not too long ago. A session with my girly girl that I very much loved :)

These days I get a lot of "No"s, and not that much eye contact from the little princess :) But that's ok - she's staying just as sweet as always and I know that she will outgrow the stage. She'll grow up to be mommy's little assistant, or maybe daddy's little guitar and piano player, or maybe a little ballerina. She loves to dance, read and look at the pictures in her daddy's old "Golden Books", and study "The Black Book" (photography portfolios) ... So we'll see :)

Hannah thank you for coming along and playing with us :)